Selasa, 08 November 2016

An important day

                                        An important day : when i broke my leg

        When I was six years old I was still in kindergarten,  at that moment I became stubborn problem child. any ban my parents always I argued and did not want to obey.  At hat time I did not reflect the behavior of girls like my friends with men and play games male.

       at that time I had a high fever and my sister would go to the mosque to learn the Quran, in sickness did I whine to join and my parents forbid because my situation is not good, but I argue and was eventually allowed to go. when we arrived at the mosque we learned with teachers, recess bell was sounded all the students cheered. all students out of mosques and perform various activities such as play, snack cakes etc. My sister forbade me to leave the mosque and told to remain seated in the mosque and when I said yes she bought cakes and drinks.

      after my sister out and play I was directly outside and ignored her ban. I saw my male friends across the street and I would like him. when I cross the street I do not see a motorcycle speeding and slammed into me. consequently my left foot fracture, and I could not walk in a long time libertine. since then I feel born again like a baby who can not do anything, like a spoiled child who always helped in doing anything, after recovering and could go on as usual I began to realize that parents know best for their children, and since then I have always tried to obey every command and ban my parents until now.

1 komentar:

  1. You can always learn from bad experience right, because not all bad experience lead to bad thing. Just don't do bad things again after you learn it and always respect your parent.
