Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016

Problems and Solutions : Promiscuity

Problem and Solution Essay

1. introductions

      Jakarta is the capital city Indonesia located on the island of java. In Jakarta many industries and large enterprises. Because the Indonesia capital Jakarta many people from different areas come to seek work,school and be willing to live Jakarta slum environment.

2.writing about problem

a. how many problem are discussed ?
- One main problem leading to other problems.

b. what are they ?
- promiscuity damage the morale of the nation, the erosion of local culture due to globalization causes strangers into Indonesian culture as a whole without the filter

c. what expressions are introduce the problem ?
- In Jakarta, according to the National Strategy for Adolescent Health Research....
-There are many causes of teenagers do promiscuity. Cause every teenager do promiscuity....
-Mental unhealthy make many teens feel proud of the association which is actually an association that is not appropriate.....

d. how are the problems ilustrated futhure ?
-Promiscuity is a form of deviant behavior that go beyond the limits of existing norms...
-Teenagers are unstable emotionally vulnerable individuals are not controlled by the right of self-control...
-Promiscuity has a very negative impact and could destroy the future of adolescents....

e. what  results are discussed for each problem ?
    Promiscuity is a form of deviant behavior that go beyond the limits norm or causes teenagers to free association because of a lack of grip of adolescent life in terms of belief or religion, emotional instability adolescents, the negative influence of the mass media, the lack of sex education that is right and proper, the lack of parental supervision, mistakes in the mix and adolescent mental unhealthy because mentally unhealthy makes teens feel proud of the social which is actually the wrong crowd.

3. writing about solutions

a.many solutions are given ?

b.what are they ?
- firslyt,Expand socialize the danger of promiscuity to teenagers. Promiscuity is often done because it could be they do not know the impact. Information about the harm caused by promiscuity is in need continues to spread among the young.
- secondly,Many activities are positive. Promiscuity is usually carried out by young people that a lot of empty time. Well, to anticipate this, we can divert our time for positive activities. For example participating in social organizations, pursue his hobbies and develop it into a business area that generates and others.
- thirdly,Correcting perspective. Fixing perspective by trying to be optimistic and live in reality, that teens should be educated from childhood to have no delusion that is not in accordance with his ability so that when teenagers get their disappointment will be able to respond positively.

c. how would the solutions be implemented?
- Need to socialize, especially for some schools about danger promiscuity and its impact.
-the school should give awards to students who excel in academic or non-academic so that other students interested in joining the organization or extracurricular activities at school so that Students being busy with positive activities
-must undertake positive activities on their own volition without any coercion from parents so that they feel comfortable with what they are doing and can do it with optimism

d. what verb capital structures are used to the make the suggestion?
- need to
- should
- must

e. conclusions
     Parents should pay attention to what activities are carried her child to provide education about sex and relationships child see her if her children hanging out in the neighborhood are not good parents should quickly take action so that his children do not fall promiscuity.

          Jakarta is the capital city indonesia located on the island of java. In jakarta many industries and large enterprises. Because the Indonesia capital jakarta many people from different areas come to seek work, school and be willing to live jakarta slum environment.

Because of bad economic conditions and levels of demand then they are willing to do to anythingin way which is not good for the earning money.

          In Jakarta, according to the National Strategy for Adolescent Health Research conducted by the Department of Health and Survey says 5.3 percent of high school students have had sex. The Ministry of Health in 2009 to do research in four cities, namely Jakarta, Medan, Bandung and Surabaya showed 35.9% of adolescents have friends already had sexual intercourse before marriage and 6.9% of respondents have had sexual intercourse before marriage.

           There are many causes of teenagers do promiscuity. Cause every teenager doing different possibilities of free association, but it all stems from a lack of grip is the main cause of adolescent life in beliefs or religious and emotional instability adolescents. This causes uncontrollable adolescent behavior so do promiscuity. Generally, the causes of the rampant promiscuity in Indonesia is also due to the negative influence of the mass media such as television, magazines, and so are many attach images - images that should not be shown, In addition, the lack of sex education that is right and proper, weak supervision of parents, mistakes in the mix and adolescent mental unhealthy form the cause of the rampant promiscuity in Indonesia, especially our capital city, Jakarta.

           Mental unhealthy make many teens feel proud of the association which is actually an association that is not appropriate, but they do not understand because of their understanding is lacking. Where emotional instability spurred the formation of bad personality can easily make them entangled promiscuity.

The following is a solution to prevent promiscuity first Expand to socialize the danger of promiscuity to teenagers. Promiscuity is often done because it could be they do not know the impact. Information about the harm caused by promiscuity is in need continues to spread among the young. Hopefully, they know the impact of promiscuity and usable information for consideration of his senses.

          The second lot of positive activity. Promiscuity is usually carried out by young people that a lot of empty time. Well, to anticipate this, we can divert our time for positive activities. For example participating in social organizations, pursue his hobbies and develop it into a business area that generates and others. Thus, his youth will tercurahkan for positive things and a little time to think about negative things like the free association. Fixing that all three perspectives.Fixing perspective by trying to be optimistic and live in reality, that teens should be educated from childhood to have no delusion that is not in accordance with his ability so that when teenagers get their disappointment will be able to respond positively.  Parents should pay attention to what activities are carried her child to provide education about sex and relationships child see her if her children hanging out in the neighborhood are not good parents should quickly take action so that his children do not fall promiscuity.

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