Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

Best singer

1.a) i think vanny would make a good singer.
   b) three reasons why i think so and some supporting point for each

Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Main idea
Music environment
Music experience
Majoring in art
Supporting points
Her father can play various musical instrument
Always win singing competition
Continue her study in  art faculty

Her mother has a good voice as well as her sister

c) vanny is good in singing i always want to hear her voice. many people want to hear her voice. she alway win singing competition. her family support her and proud of her.

2. a.) she has good voice
    b.) she always wins singing competition
    c.) she continues her study majoring in art faculty

I have cousin in the same age with me. Her name is Divanny Rahmayanti. she has a good voice i always feel happy if i hear her voice. her voice makes me feel comfortable. i think vanny would make a good singer.
 vanny is always being around music environment. her father can plays various musical instrument and her mother has a good voice to as well as her sister. so she grow up in musical family.

she already had many experiences in music. every competition that she follow she always becomes a winner. i used to accompany her when she joined the competition.

Now, she is continue her study majoring in art. I think she will improve her skill in singing. Maybe she will be a good future singer. I hope she can makes her family proud of her.

11 komentar:

  1. Great paragraph you typed there, Nice job!!!

  2. Hi Oliv I think you should give more attention about using capital alphabet. For name you should use it. But totally I like your post

  3. I think your cousin would be a great singer Oliv :)) But you should recheck your words again. Thank you.

  4. your work is so detailed. Keep working good olivvv :)

  5. Hello Olivia,
    nice to know about your cousin. It seems that she's so talented. Here is my suggestion. I think you need to separate this sentence 'she has a good voice i always feel happy if i hear her voice.' to 'She has a good voice. I always feel happy...' Thank you. :)

  6. Wow its so nice . Nice work!!!

  7. Wow its so nice . Nice work!!!

  8. Don't forget to capitalize the first word on every single sentence.
    Overall, nice paragraph.

  9. I did not know you can get a friend too. Heheh good job

  10. I did not know you can get a friend too. Heheh good job

  11. Hi, Oliv
    It's a good composition. However, I think you should have transition words to start each paragraph. It's the important things. In addition, pay attention with capitalization words. For example, for name of people use should use capital letter. That's all and good luck
